November 1, 2007

Is it adult ADD, or am I just a spazz?

It's getting increasingly difficult to know. According to my not-in-any-way-extensive-Internet research, symptoms include:

  • Distractibility
  • Impulsive behavior
  • The inability to remain focused on tasks or activities
So far, yes, yes, and yes.

Well, maybe not so much with the impulsive part -- unless you count stalking new bath and hair products during every trip to the CVS. Mostly it's just this creeping feeling that I really am beginning to understand what my grandmother meant when she used to go on (and on and on) ... OK, I forgot what I was going to say as I was writing this... oh yeah: when she'd talk about how quickly time goes by, and how it gets harder to keep up. Or, frankly, to recall what it is you were saying. Either way, lately it seems increasingly difficult to remember birthdays (I just couldn't be a bigger loser on that front -- sorry, friends and family), appointments, and to keep up with the laundry. And usually, all I really want to do is hang on the couch and watch Ace of Cakes.

Am I geezing? Has the fact that my hearing is fading after years of Bruce Springsteen shows started to creep in and distract from real life? Am I doomed to a future of never finishing another book, or being unable to tackle the towering pile of of New Yorkers mocking me from the corner? Do I just need a drink?


Anonymous said...

Go watch the video by foutains of wayne, someone to love, I don't know if it'll work for you, but a person I know said it helped her from a spaze out incident once...

Anonymous said...

My birthday is February 12


Lisa said...

Duly noted, Keith. Expect a stripper.