August 30, 2007

What does your license plate say about you?

We didn't really play the license plate game on our trip per se, but in the 2+ weeks we've been home in Virginia, we've both noticed something what seems to be an inordinate number of personalized license plates.

Now, no offense to those who feel that this is the best venue to express themselves. Wait: I take that back. Really? Dude, get a blog.

I haven't kept a close count...

...but over the course of the past couple of weeks I've counted at least a dozen personalized plates: VA ALUM, WAHOO47, I AM WENDY, URASINR, what have you. Either a lot of people in this area really get a kick out of the personalized license plate, or they're just narcissists.

Today, I hit the laudable Virginia DMV web site, and discovered, in addition to the more than 180 possible license plate styles, that it's only an extra $20 a year to buy yourself a wee billboard for your car. Yay you.

I guess it beats the bumper sticker I saw today on a taxi, proclaiming the driver "Directionally Dysfunctional."

Get hobbies, people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first graduated from college, and came here to Va., I got a vanity plate because it was so cheap and sort of fun. MIDD 93, as in Middlebury College '93. After a few years, I decided that a mid-twenties person with a license plate saying what college and what graduation year was really pretty stupid, so I dumped it and got a generic random-issue tag. I do enjoy reading other people's plates, though, and wondering "Why?" A man at my church had plates that said REDTHWK. Red-tailed hawk. I guess he must have really liked that type of bird. Odd, interesting, sort of funny. ~Christine G.